A peer-to-peer listening post.


We are a grassroots nonprofit startup with the aim of establishing HumansKind listening posts at schools, hospitals, municipal buildings and other public places worldwide. HumansKind listening posts are safe spaces where visitor and listener meet as equals; sharing ideas, expressing joys, and confronting concerns.

HumansKind has an ambiance of welcome and informality where the visitor is seen as capable of sharing or solving his or her own issues; because when we give advice, we deprive the person of the process that helps them grow and build inner-strength. Thus, the listener responds with clarifying questions, affirms the visitor as he or she is at the moment, suggests options or resources, and subsequently follows through in ways designed to be growth-producing.

Ideally, each chapter consists of two or more carefully selected listener peers from the community that are able to be present on a regular basis and trained to listen intently without judgement. No appointment necessary; no application form; no membership fee; no age restriction; no time limit; no discrimination and no advice… just authentic, respectful listening coupled with helpful, clarifying questions.


Mabel F. Barth 
Founder of the original Listening Post 

The original Listening Post, was an interpersonal communication project, founded on the Auraria Higher Education Center Campus in Denver, Colorado in 1979 by Dr. Mabel F. Barth.

Back then, there were, or course, the traditional campus counselors, but they were more likely to hear questions regarding curriculum or career options or even sometimes severe emotional problems, but where did students go to ‘sound off’ without the conversation becoming a matter of school record? — a non-threatening place where good communications could occur with no strings attached? It didn’t appear that there was such a place.

With a keen desire to ameliorate what she felt was an ‘inferior caliber living’ created by lack of interpersonal communication, Barth designed The Listening Post, using as conceptual building blocks the work of such noted psychologists and sociologists as Erich Fromm, Virginia Satir, Piaget, Erik Erickson and Lawrence Kohlberg.


“We have a human need for companionship and for close contact – to be loved, to be attached to, to be accepted, to be seen, to be received for who we are.” 
-Gabor Mate

For 27 years, the original Listening Post provided a safe space for people of all ages to express feelings of joy, anger, rejection, failure and confusion. Each person is respected and accepted just as they are at the moment, with the opportunity to discuss options without judgement and without advice.

Today, again, there is a need to talk and be heard. New research shows that depression rates are on the rise, yet stigma or fear of asking for help often prevents people from getting support. Untreated mental health conditions are among the leading causes of suicide.

All too often a great number of people experience a trauma, either large or small, that sticks to them for any host of reasons. And all too often, this experience, if not handled appropriately, can have devastating and long lasting effects on one’s life and that of their family and community as well.

Experts say there are multiple reasons more and more of us are struggling with our mental health. Heavy social media use, bullying, economic burdens, family concerns, school and work issues, and even a lack of basic interpersonal communication can all be risk factors for any number of mental health conditions like depression, substance abuse and others. 

Our current state of affairs also plays a role when considering the effects of our collective exposure to the seemingly constant social unrest, political mistrust, violence and negative media coverage we are all bombarded with on a daily basis!

Regardles of the cause or effect, it is quite clear a “place to talk” is needed more now than ever. Whether you’re having a great day or devastating decade, we are here to listen AND support you – promoting unconditional kindness, compassion, and encouragement through the sharing of our mutual experiences, knowledge and resources.


Our initial mission is to establish a HumansKind Listening Post presence at the original birthplace on Auraria Campus in Denver, Colorado and reinstitute a new model for further growth and expansion worldwide. Won’t you help us? Please support the HumansKind Listening Post today and donate what you can below.

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We are always looking for good people with a variety of strengths and talents. If you feel you would like to volunteer as a listener, start a chapter yourself, or otherwise have something additional to bring to the cause, please contact us and let us know!


Team HumansKind.






Coming Soon!

Tivoli Student Union
Second Floor Main Atrium
Auraria Campus 

Denver, Colorado

Most Tuesdays from 10:00 am to 2:00 pm.

Say Hello.

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